The first residential loan that Iroquois Federal made back in 1883 was located at 727 South Fourth Street in Watseka, IL.

A lot of people have been raised to think that “small” is the opposite of “big.” That’s why they shell out the big bucks for a Venti® coffee.
Or pay the extra five dollars for a bucket of popcorn that requires its own seat at the movies. But we come from a small town in the middle of America’s Heartland. Where coffee is served in regular cups by regular Joes. And we place a big value on the little things. Like keeping your word. And giving good people the break they need to achieve amazing things.
It all started back in 1883 in Watseka, Illinois, with a charter from the state. And a drive to make a difference. Back then, we were known as the Iroquois Building and Loan Association. It was the sort of banking arrangement you see in “It’s a Wonderful Life,” where locals loaned money to locals, so everyone could improve their way of life.
It began with a simple, $300 loan to a local photographer and justice of the peace. But word quickly spread. And soon people were arriving from all across the county, looking for the help they needed to start a general store or expand the farm.
In August on 1936, we took our next big step, becoming a federally-chartered member of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago and the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. In 2011 we became a publically traded company. Since we began, we’ve expanded a few times, adding 7 other banking offices in great Midwest towns. But we’ve never forgotten where we come from. Which means you won’t find a fancy-schmancy barista serving up a fresh cup of latte in our lobby. But you can always find someone who knows where you’re coming from. And is here to help you get wherever you’re going.
®Venti is a registered trademark of Starbucks, which makes a really great cup of coffee and serves it in sizes with really funny names.